Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sock Wars!

From Schrodinger (btw - how cool is the name 'Schrodinger'?) - the Yarn Monkey's Sock Wars.

I'm sending my application off as I type.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shalom Fly Fishing`Socks

I finished the socks that came from a care package from the Lovely Knit Wit Mom.

Knit Pick - Sock Memories - 'Fly Fishing' - Completed June 5, 2006 while watching 'Shalom in the Home'.

Monday, May 01, 2006

May Day, May Day

Finished on May 1st - these sockies were created from yarn that came from my favorite Swiss Miss.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Lazy Bitch Zombie

I am the lazy bitch because I had a ton of sockies to post and I didn’t get around to it – for like a MONTH.

Bad monster, bad!!!!

It’s doubly bad because Sandy Zombie sent us these unbelievable freaking gorgeous sock pics.

First are the socks that she likes call UGA socks…I like them so much that I ALMOST get distracted from the tattoo.

Hockey Mom Zombie – you must sent pic of tattoo.

Next up are her Friday Harbour socks:

Jacqueline Zombie is very impressed by the lacey-ness of them. I fear attempting this myself, so it’s nice to see another zombie successfully knitting a pair.

Finally, Jacqueline Zombie managed to crank out another pair herself.

Try to divert your eyes from grubby Mitzi dog toy….

These were Regia Crazy Colour socks – colour 116. They took me 3 months to finish because I am a lazy ass zombie.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Okay - our newest zombie is Christine.

I like the edges on this one - very seductive!

Christine has 5 children so I applaud her dedication to the zombie cause and making the time for us.

She also hails from New England which makes me think of Stephen King, Clam Chowder, Cheers and Democrats.

Now excuse my zombieness while I go have a drink and playing some touch football with my 17 siblings.

Friday, July 15, 2005

I Come From a Zombie Down Under

Where sockies roar and zombies thunder.

Yes, my mateys, it's our first transcontinental zombie, Donni.

Is beautiful no?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Husband Zombified

Today from Hockey Mom, we get more socks and a bit of leg too (thanks for the modelling, Mr. Sandy!)!

These look very thick and woolly, just to keep the zombies warm on winter nights.
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